Niki Faldemolaei
ExO Angel San Diego, CA, USAI am passionate about the future and exponential mindsets. I am currently a Co-Founder, Board Advisor, CXO to start-ups and companies. Growing beyond random digital marketing roles I now vow to help change the broken sick-care system into a personalized, predictive health care system (My MTP).
Moonshot projects in the works include ExO Angels, Extended Health Span Index, Predict My Health Platform, My Bodytune Biometric Monitor.
Service roles include Open ExO Community, SingularityU San Diego Chapter Leadership, Abundance 360 Digital Community, Health Nucleus Research Subject in the 100+ program.
Background While working with IMG Creative & Proelite, I achieved successful client placements in USA Today, Newsweek, Washington Post, New York Times, Huffington Post, Muscle & Fitness; at the Cannes Film Festival and Toronto Film Festival; as well as on the Sundance Channel, National Geographic Channel, and Showtime. I also earned agency, publishing and New York Times interactive