Beatrice Barbazzeni
Magdeburg, GermanyI am a Ph.D student in Neuroscience at the University of Magedurg with a background in Psychobiology and Cognitive Sciences (B.Sc), Cognitive Neuroscience and Clinical Neuropsychology (M.Sc).
The interest and the decision to choose the field of research comes from my personal experience. During my B.Sc I was interested to analyze the mechanisms that drive the human behavior to better understand myself and the people around me. Successively, by approaching the field of neuroscience, my focus moved towards the study of physiology and biology of the human brain. I improved my knowledge on how neural connections define cognitive abilities throughout life, and how brain lesions affect cognitive functions. I was really caught by these studies and curious to explore even more the mystery of the brain, particularly in patients. So, became my motivation to give my contribution to improve the quality of patients’ life developing new advanced therapies in the context of clinical research. I strived to study with great assiduity to be competitive and successful. My attitude and passion to study allowed me to develop academic skills becoming more and more eager to critically think, to discuss with my peers, and look at problems from different perspectives. I realized soon the importance of broadening my knowledge across different laboratories and cultures. For my M.Sc under the supervision of Prof. Niels Birbaumer, the pioneer in the field of BCI I successfully completed an experimental research implementing functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) based BCI system. We established a new experimental paradigm on healthy volunteers that could be applied in a home-based setting for communication purposes in patients affected by Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). Moreover, I have been working with other research groups at the University of Tübingen focusing on combining BCI with non-invasive brain stimulation techniques. I had also the opportunity to become research assistant at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics where I developed my research skills in the field of 3T and 9.4T fMRI.
Today my research aims to develop a new method to up-regulate brain oscillations and working memory through neurofeedback in healthy volunteers and in preclinical Alzheimer’s disease. Besides, I discovered the world of ExO, and the openexo community is really great! I aim to enhance my expertise in this area to improve the healthcare system with outstanding ideas and disruptive technologies.
In conclusion, beside my research and education, I am really passionate about fitness and nutrition. My discipline and ambition to learn more and to be more, made fitness to become the pillar of my daily routine; reinforcing myself from inside and outside. By time, my interest in sport developed enormously, so I decided to develop this passion into something bigger. I became certified as strength training, nutrition and self-development coach, and I started a collaboration with a Norwegian brand as fitness ambassador. Today, being a coach gives me the chance to support people to achieve their goals by creating better habits and by improving their attitude toward life.
Discipline, perseverance, ambition and creativity are the values and the building blocks of my purpose: “empower inner potential leading to the growth of exponential winners".